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1970 & 1971 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme SX


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SX in Houston Mecom auction on TV
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I think it was on the Velocity Network which is channel 364 on Dish Network, but I'll have to check. It was the Houston Auction Part 2 at about 2 hours 41 Minutes, (1 hour 19 minutes remaining) on the 4 hour episode.
If you can get the name of the network that aired the auction or producer of the show I'm sure we can track it down.

Bob Peters
SX455 Club President
I still have it on my Dish Network DVR, I'll check and see which Houston segment it was on (it was the second segment on the day I taped it, but I don't know yet if there were a bunch of them) and see how many minutes into the segment it was. I think it was about 3/4 through the episode, but I'll be able to tell exactly when I pull it up again. Maybe someone here will be able to record it and transfer it to a youtube clip.
Thanks for posting. I did not see this on TV...I'd be curious as to what they said about the SX?
Yes. The seller had a reserve of $25,000 but the auctioneers convinced him to take $19,500.00
I didn't see it, but heard it sold for $19,500.
A white 1970 SX coup with vinyl top is on the TV edition of the auction. They talked about the SX for quite a while.
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