Ted Bowles
1/1/2012 2:03 PM
Was it possible that aRallye 350 clone was made in the Holiday Coup? The 442 clone was the sx the Rallye 350 clone was the Olds Cutlass Supreme EX?
1/2/2012 1:10 PM
A clone is when someone makes a "fake" that looks like a real car, usually done poorly. An SX is not a 442 clone, but I think I understand what you're trying to convey - The W32 SX could be considered the counterpart to the 442 in a Supreme body.
To get to specifically what you're asking, the 1970 Rallye 350 was a very special model of its own based on the F85/Cutlass/Cutlass S fastback - all were Sebring Yellow with stripes, the W25 hood and cutout rear bumper. No, Oldsmobile did not build a comparable Rallye 350 counterpart on the Cutlass Supreme platform. From a performance standpoint, it would have made more sense to make a 1970 W-31 counterpart on the Supreme platform, but Oldsmobile didn't do that either.
Ted Bowles
1/2/2012 4:36 PM
Thanks Terry for your response. I may have used the term 'clone' a little loosley. You've answered a question that came up when I was trying to establish the history of my car. My build sheet says that my car had an option code Y68 - colour comp EX with the l74 350 4bbl. It had a by-pass code 2 that referred to the 974 trim code. You seem to know a lot about these cars - your thoughts on this would be appreciated.